Staying Connected to your Operations
Reliable, flexible and high performance human machine interface (HMI) / supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) solution for industrial process customers. Focused on putting engineers and operators back in the driver’s seat by helping to unlock the value of their SCADA systems.
With powerful visualization capabilities and operational features, Citect SCADA delivers actionable insight faster, enabling operators to respond quickly to process disturbances and thereby increase their effectiveness.
Focused on addressing key social & technological trends in the market including changing workforce demography, globalization, as well as the convergence of information & operational technologies, Citect SCADA comprises a host of functionality enhancements & innovations that re-imagine the engineering experience.

Integrated Development Environment
Citect Studio is the new unified configuration environment replacing Citect Explorer & Project Editor; with powerful & easy-to-use grid functionality offering a faster more intuitive activity-based user experience; driving engineering efficiency and simplicity.

Centralized Deployment
Enhanced deployment management view facilitates the management of project configuration for all Citect SCADA nodes from one central location (with central store, version management, local and remote roll-back and delta-only transfer); saving valuable time and effort.

Topology Management
Simplified topology management with a streamlined and consolidated server configuration, with a central view of your Citect SCADA servers, by machine & by cluster; giving greater clarity into your SCADA assets with a single view of your topology