Wonderware Solutions for
Water & Wastewater
The Challenge to Utilities
As an operator of a water or wastewater utility you have a lot on your plate. Not only are you required to provide reliable and affordable water and wastewater services, you must also be compliant with a number of government regulations and ensure that your operations are sustainable.
Water utilities require more efficient methods of engineering, optimization of energy supply, and contextualized compliance monitoring as they seek to expand availability of water to the general population at an affordable price.
Global challenges abound. How can engineers create and reticulate clean and affordable water and wastewater services in developing countries using standard technologies? How can engineers balance the new cost equation between energy and water quality that energy-hungry reclaiming and desalination technologies introduce? What intelligent infrastructure is available to allow automation vendors to deliver real-time data in for multi-user operations decision-making?
Pima County Wastewater Reclamation
Using an HMI SCADA solution based on Situational Awareness and IntelaTrac, the Pima County Regional Wastewater Reclamation Department provides management and maintenance of the county’s sanitary sewer system.
In total, 9REN currently generates more than 99,000 megawatt hours of electrical power every year and, based on its global growth objectives, that number is expected to rise with each morning sun.
Addressing the Challenges: Engineering Efficiency and Continuity
The greater the number of plants an engineer has to design, control and rollout, the less effective are traditional procedural and list-oriented engineering tables. Replacing those with online template object-oriented systems can result in dramatic savings.

Easy Knowledge Transfer
One of the key benefits in encapsulating design, parameterization and visualization in an object methodology is the ease with which knowledge and understanding can be transferred from year to year and from older to younger generations.
A Single Engineering Environment
Recent engineering system advances enable design, simulation, checkout and deployment using a single environment. This makes it easier for lead and contract engineers to clone and extend plant models consistently and with minimal errors and design interaction.

Describing the fundamental model of the plant in terms of its functionality and data structure, augmented with appropriate visualization, enables use of reusable objects without data degradation.

An open integration platform
The open platform enables application development and operational independence from the specific PLCs and RTUs that are being used. The Wonderware platform is distributed so that multiple SCADA system information can be unified and organized, so that you no longer have to remember what is configured where.

A powerful HMI
The HMI provides graphic visualization, real-time situational awareness and alarm management whether you need to be in a central or remote control room or on a mobile device such as a tablet or smartphone.

Alarm management, notification and optimization
Alarm handling notifies operators about exceptions that require human intervention and also help optimize the system to reduce the number of unnecessary alarms.

A real-time historian database
The historian database is integrated with site controls to support the capture and sharing of operating data, while advanced reporting automatically generates reports for chemical usage, energy consumption, water quality, discharge and alarms/events.