As with all software products there will always be constant changes, upgrades, patches etc. Often it is very hard to find out what is current if you don't know where to look. If we have missed anything, please let us know on the feedback form and we will add it to this page.
Patches/Fixes/Tech Notes are available at Wonderware Support - Login required
Remote Support Assistance
Wonderware Canada East is able to provide technical support via Zoom. Please contact us to set up a Remote Support Session.
General Support Information
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FAQ15325 Language Translation Not Working in Linked Symbols 1/25/2020 1:39:48 AM
FAQ15317 Cannot access Material xyz! hold batch, correct problem restart why? 1/25/2020 1:17:49 AM
FAQ15168 Can InTouch Edge licenses be consolidated? 1/24/2020 8:12:26 PM
FAQ15321 Load of wwsl.dll failed: Suitelink Interface is Disabled 1/24/2020 3:17:53 PM
TN576 Troubleshooting Wonderware Information Server Part Ten: COM+ Application 1/24/2020 3:40:13 PM
TN126 GRAccess Demo Applications Using Microsoft Visual Studios 2003 1/22/2020 4:07:51 PM
TN482 Troubleshooting Wonderware Application Server Bootstrap Communications 1/14/2020 5:40:46 PM
TN10354 Historian 2017 U3 SP1 Event Tags log only the first-defined tag 1/14/2020 5:18:39 PM
TN10353 Correcting Historian 2017 OI Server Configuration names 1/14/2020 5:06:44 PM
TA419 AVEVA Insight Security Update 12/30/2019 5:47:32 AM
TA425 Batch Management 2017 (v12.0) had been removed from the GSC WEB site. 11/4/2019 11:14:11 PM
TA415 Sentinel 1.1 SP1 Fails to Uninstall 10/15/2019 9:03:04 PM
TA423 RECALL NOTICE: Sentinel System Monitor Stand-Alone Installer 10/15/2019 8:51:17 PM
Customer First
The Customer FIRST Software Maintenance and Support Program is a flexible portfolio of services that help protect and extend the value of your AVEVA products and solutions across their entire lifecycle. A Customer FIRST Agreement establishes a formal service relationship with AVEVA. This enables access to the latest software upgrades for extending the value of your software investment and provides expert technical assistance, optional services and self-help tools to help you improve your operational effectiveness. Learn more about how Software Maintenance and Support is a competitive strategy that helps sustain and even improve operational performance.
Why Customer First?
Customer FIRST is the foundation of your service and support relationship with Schneider Electric and your local Wonderware distributor. It provides continuous software maintenance and convenient access to highly skilled resources to remedy any technical issue that you experience as you install, fi ne-tune, and upgrade your Wonderware software. Additionally, a Customer FIRST agreement provides an assortment of service entitlements designed to maintain and optimize the performance of your Wonderware software through its entire lifecycle.
Key Benefits
Improve Operational Performance
Protect Critical Investments
Maximize Asset Performance
Reduce Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)